Now that it has been 3 months since our relaunch, we wanted to take some time and talk about the gameplay changes, fixes and the general direction in which Storm-WoW is heading.
As you can also see in our changelog, we've been quite busy with bug squashing, but at the same time we've added some fun elements suggested by players.
In our quest for perfection, we decided to take a phased approach in pushing out content, with Phase 1 being tied to the actual relaunch and recalibration of the server core, web services and the general attractive-fun elements that Storm-WoW is known for.
In this regard, we got some amazing feedback from our amazing community members which translated in over 150 fixes and changes. Some of the most notable are:
- Improved the Icecrown Citadel dungeon (an unique implementation that will suprise you)
- Improved the Ruby Sanctum dungeon (you’ll be delighted
- Improved the Trial of the Crusader dungeon
- Redone parts of the Ulduar dungeon, with some more tweaking following in Phase 2
- Fixed the DK's Dancing Rune Weapon spell
- Fixed some annoying stuck in combat bugs
- Fixed some class exploits/bugs
- Recalibrated the Anticheat system to better detect hackers
- Added a tournament style 'Ready Check' in arenas, in order to shorten the time until the fight starts
- Added the Instance Reset NPC
- Added the Gambler NPC
- Added DP-VP Converter NPC
- Improved the user friendliness of the website
Going forward with Phase 2, we'll be concentrating on fixing quests and on the release of the ToC 5 dungeon (fingers crossed!).
Well, that's all folk… Wait, there's more!
In celebration of entering Phase 2 of development, the Storm-WoW Lottery is active once more with epic prizes for those lucky Stormers.
Come, come. Don't be shy!