When a community grows, it's normal for people to start asking questions about content, development, vision etc.
One of the most recent debates we had was regarding the difficulty of END-GAME PvE encounters. A few players considered it was too high for the average Joe.
That's why I thought it was necessary for me to shed some light on this part of our vision.
As you all know by now, Storm-WoW takes a unique approach to story telling, by combining the no-grind elements of a fun server, with the professionalism and seriousness of a Bizzlike one.
So when we refer to most of our in-game content, we call it Stormlike.
When we built this world, we knew that we won't support any patch/expansion progression, so we needed to make sure that the end-game WotLK experience stays fresh and challenging for a longer time.
The way we did this, was by tuning the encounters in such a way that you'll have to retrain yourself in order to successfully tackle them.
Maybe it will come as a shock to you when you wipe in Heroic FoS, PoS, HoR or when you struggle to get passed Professor Putricide in ICC.
Keep in mind that only the strong become true Stormers, so you'll need to prove your iron!
And as you may have noticed, no update of ours comes without a surprise.
Starting today, Cross-Faction Battlegrounds are enabled on Strom-WoW, so you can never stop fighting!
Stormlike is the way we like it!